Monthly Archives: December 2011

Integrate a “Check for Updates” feature with your software license protection process

Customers are demanding. The ability for your software to automatically update itself when a new version is released is now a ubiquitous feature that is expected of professional software applications. Obviously, getting new versions of your application is tightly coupled with your software license model. Typically, not all users are allowed to upgrade for free!  Therefore, integration of a “check for updates” feature with your licensing software is a must.

Continue reading Integrate a “Check for Updates” feature with your software license protection process

Grow your company with steady recurring revenue

One of the main factors of a company’s success is revenue. Some would argue that it is the only factor but that’s another debate. When you sell software applications, as with any other business, ensuring steady revenue is a key factor to growth

and stability. Learn how you can avoid fluctuating revenue by implementing a Maintenance Plan for your software application.

Continue reading Grow your company with steady recurring revenue

Quick License Manager integrates with commerce provider FastSpring

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Integration of your licensing component with your eCommerce provider is essential to achieving a fully automated sales process. This article describes how integration with FastSpring ensures a seamless purchasing experience for the purchaser as well as the vendor.

As a vendor, you obviously want to protect your software against piracy. You figured out how to generate license keys and validate them in your application with Quick License Manager or any other vendor. This is half of the story. You now need to get the license key to your customer when they purchase the software. You also want to track their order information and tie it to the license key so that you can manage this customer effectively. If you are running a business, small, medium or large, you really want this process to be fully automated so that you focus your time on running your business and not performing manual steps to track and manage your licenses.

Quick License Manager resolves this problem with seamless integration with several leading commerce providers such as Plimus, Regnow, Share-it, Google checkout, Paypal, UltraCart, etc.

Our latest addition to this growling list is FastSpring.

How does the integration work?

When a customer places an order via FastSpring, the order information filled by the customer during the ordering process is automatically and securely sent to Quick License Manager. Quick License Manager generates a license key and sends it back to FastSpring. The order information along with customer data and license information are automatically stored in the Quick License Manager database. FastSpring then sends a confirmation email to the customer with the license key generated by Quick License manager.

As a vendor, this integration provides an optimal, unified approach to selling your software online. All the relevant information collected during the ordering process is readily available in Quick License Manager. Management of the customer information and license keys can be easily performed using the Quick License Manager Console.

